Dockmaster Guest Services

Welcome to San Diego Yacht Club!

Required Documentation for Guests

Upon checking in to the Dockmaster's Office, please be prepared to present:

  • DMV Registration or Coast Guard Documentation
  • Proof of Insurance
  • Your yacht club card
  • Credit Card

Reciprocal Clubs and Guest Slip Fees

  • Guest slip fees are $2.50/foot/night.
  • Reciprocal yacht clubs receive 3 free nights.

Guest Stays

Guest Stays

Due to the high volume of guests accommodated at SDYC we operate on a first come, first served basis. Please realize that your request does not guarantee we will be able to accommodate you. However, we will do our very best to do so.


SDYC makes every effort to provide slips to participants of club-sponsored events. Racers may incur charges, but for most races we offer a racer rate designed to offer complimentary berthings the evenings surrounding the event.

Organized Cruises

Organized Cruises

SDYC welcomes organized cruises of 4 or more visiting boats from the same club. And if you organize a cruise to our club, we will reserve slips for you. While at SDYC we encourage you to visit ourworld-class dining room and set up your private catering events.

Visiting Vessel Registration Form

David Randell

David Randell
Kaylee Gibbons

Waterfront Administrator

619 758 6318


Dockmaster Office


[email protected]
(619) 758-6308


Waterfront Administrator
[email protected]
(619) 758-6318



As you arrive to San Diego, turn in at buoys 5/6 and follow channel until buoys 14/15. At this point, stay to the left and follow the channel that leads toward the San Diego Harbor Police offices and where the U.S. Customs does their check-ins. Once past the Harbor Police, stay to your right and follow the channel almost to the end (you will see the Chevron/Pearson fuel docks). San Diego Yacht Club is on the left. Our guest dock is located between D and E docks. Please check in at the front desk upon your arrival.

Take Harbor Drive toward Point Loma

Turn left on Rosecrans (signal). Go a few blocks to Talbot Street (signal).

Make a left turn and go to Anchorage Lane--we take up the entire block, you can't miss us!

Exit at Rosecrans Street exit. Follow Rosecrans Street until you reach Talbot Street (3½ miles, to third street past Shelter Island Drive). Turn left and go to Anchorage Lane--we take up the entire block, you can't miss us!

Exit at Hawthorne (airport exit). Follow to Harbor Drive toward Pt. Loma. Turn left on Rosecrans Street (signal). Go a few blocks to Talbot Street (signal). Make a left turn and go to Anchorage Lane--we take up the entire block, you can't miss us!