St. Pete’s Exchange Program

For over 25 years, SDYC and other SDAYC clubs have participated in the St. Pete's Exchange, in which our Sabot sailors host a group of Florida Opti sailors for MBYC's Junior Commodore's Regatta in November; then head out to St. Petersburg YC to try the Valentine's Opti Regatta in February. Other than a chaperone, parents stay at home, and kids stay with host families, and therefore are typically at least 12 yrs old. Team SDYC selects it's St. Pete's Exchange sailor by identifying our top A-fleeter from that year's Conner SDAYC Sabot Luff-In Series(ends each Oct) who has not been before.

Since our sailors are hosted in Florida, the only real expense is airfare. This is a perfect example of where the SDYC Comp Fund can potentially help, and also often that sailor's first Comp Fund experience, so make sure to pre-apply for funding, at least 30 days prior to your event; and also submit all receipts within 30 days of the conclusion.