La Playa Sabot Series

La Playa Sabot Series

SDYC's La Playa Sabot Series includes one-day events throughout the year, and is the easiest place to start your racing career, while also providing excellent practice for our veterans. The La Playa Series spans the calendar, and while overall standings are a great goal for your year, it’s also fine to start whenever you’re ready, and to attend whenever you can. A-C1 Sabot racers must carry corrector weights.

Fall & Spring After School Sailing Sailing


  • Most Tuesday afternoons! We do not hold La Playa Series events following two-day weekend Sabot regattas.
  • 3:45 pm - 6:30 pm


  • FREE to sailors who are already registered in another Junior Program course.
  • A $15 late fee will be assessed to sailors who register within 24 hours of the start time.
  • Not registered in other Jr Program Classes? Coaching fees are $30 with 24 hours of notice, and $50 within 24 hours.

Summer Sailing


  • Wednesdays during the Summer Program! No La Playa will be held during the week of 4th of July, SDAYC Sabot Nationals Prep Clinic, or durring Sabot Nationals.
  • Sailors enrolled in Summer Sabot Race Team programing will participate in these events. 


  • FREE for all enrolled Summer Program participants.

Register online throught the event links on the Junior's Calendar!



The Southern CA Youth Yacht Racing Association governs youth sailing from San Diego to Santa Barbara, and represents the highest level of regional competition. SDYC will prioritize SCYYRA events when multiple events are scheduled, and is committed to supporting Team SDYC sailors with coaching at these events. In all but one case, SCYYRA Series consist of four events, late Aug-May, with tracks for several single and doublehanded disciplines:

SCYYRA North Series 4 events for Sabot A fleeters
SCYYRA Dick Sweet Series 3 events, Sabot Team Racing, July
SCYYRA Frost Series 4 events for Laser Radials
SCYYRA Ullman Series 4 events for Laser Full Rigs
SCYYRA Shadden Series 4 events for Club Flying Juniors, w/ spinnaker
SCYYRA Perry Series 4 events for Club 420s, w/ spinnaker and trapeze
SCYYRA Hamlin Series 4 events for 29er, with spinnaker and trapeze

Full information at

SDAYC Luff-In Series

SDAYC Luff-In Series

The San Diego Association of Yacht Clubs' Luff-In Series represents a step up in competition level from our La Playa Series; broadening the field to include other area clubs, and also offering racing for multiple types of boats. The term “Luff-In” is a San Diego original, and refers specifically to these SDAYC events.

The SDAYC Luff-In Series runs on the calendar year, and currently consists of three weekends: one in spring, one in summer, and one in fall. Each Luff-In weekend is actually two separate events, with separate registrations. Saturday Luff-Ins are for Singlehanded classes: Sabots and Laser Radials. Sunday Luff-Ins are for Doublehanded classes: Club Flying Juniors (CFJ), Club 420 (C420), and 29ers; PLUS Open Skiffs (singlehanded, but on Sunday so as not to conflict with Sabots).

Luff-Ins are also the perfect way to experience an “away” event, but still spend the night at home!

There are excellent SDAYC perpetual trophies for the winners of each annual series:

Dennis Conner Perpetual Trophy

  • Dennis Conner Perpetual Trophy
  • JJ Fetter Perpetual Trophy
  • Doug Hart Perpetual Trophy
  • Mark Reynolds Perpetual Trophy
  • Tim Wadlow Perpetual Trophy
  • “TBD” Perpetual Trophy
  • SDAYC Luff-In Sabot Champion
  • SDAYC Luff-In Laser Radial Champion
  • SDAYC Luff-In CFJ Champion Team
  • SDAYC Luff-In C420 Champion Team
  • SDAYC Luff-In 29er Champion Team
  • SDAYC Luff-In Open Skiff Champion

It’s especially useful that the Luff-In

It’s especially useful that the Luff-In schedule starts in spring, which allows sailors to sail two complete Luff-Ins, potentially in a new boat or crew combination, as a warm up for the next level of competition: the SCYYRA Series which begin in September.

US Sailing Championship

US Sailing Championship

US Sailing is the governing body for our sport in this country, and holds several annual championships for Junior sailors across several disciplines, mostly in summer. US Sailing Championship eligibility is typically for sailors aged 13-19 yrs, with some exceptional events.

US Youth Championship (”Youth Champs”) Invitation Only. 29er, I420, Laser/Radial, Nacra 15, Techno 293 Plus, Techno 293
US Youth Match Racing Championship (Rose Cup) Invitation Only. Keelboat
US Junior Women’s Singlehanded Championship (Leiter Cup) Open Event. Radial, 4.7
US Junior Women’s Doublehanded Championship (Ida Lewis) Open Event. C420, 29er
Chubb US Junior Championships (three disciplines) Qualification Events.
  • Smythe Singlehanded Championship
  • Bemis Doublehanded Championship
  • Sears Triplehanded Championship
  • Laser Radial/Full
  • C420
  • various, per host