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HPYS 29er Clinic with Olympian Paris Henken

Olympian Paris Henken returned to SDYC in early October to coach an advanced 29er clinic with a stellar coaching team including her brother Sterling Henken, Noah Nyenhuis and B Lindsay. Saturday’s focus was drills to improve down-speed boat maneuvering — a crucial skill for skiff sailors to be able to hold their spot on the starting line. Drill 1 - “The Glide” / Time & Distance, Drill 2 - Rounding a mark without tacking, and Drill 3 - Quick double tacks. [If you are wondering how skiff sailors can round a mark without tacking, it involves managing your speed, communicating with your teammate on the right times to back the main and jib in order to move forward and then sideways and then sail backwards]. Sunday was a “Clinigatta” with seven races as part of the Luff-in Series won by Olympia / Maribelle Barelli, 2nd place was Kevin Cason / Holland Vierling and 3rd place was Sean Kaseburg / Braden Ozarski.